Wednesday, May 15, 2013

20 something and struggling

I'm not smart or beautiful or rich or young. I'm an average looking, average earning, average intelligence 26 year old with a world of insecurities. Average.

At 15 I wanted to be a beautiful, smart, rich and confident 25 year old. I had a plan. I had the steps planned to a goal. Somewhere in the last 10 years I lost my way. Plans got delayed, the money dwindled, time ran short and something was always more pressing than what actually was. I got split between a job, groups of friends, deceptive boys and alcohol. 

My everyday got in the way of my dreams. 

That may hold true to all 20 somethings. Trying to be independent, to grow up and join the ever widening ranks of responsible citizens, daughters, bosses.

We forget to look at the larger picture when we have to make ends meet.