Monday, August 24, 2015

Leaving my second job (to go back to my first job)

I really don't want to go. I will. I don't want to.

What's it been like in Webchutney, you ask? 

So much fun. It's been too many long nights but as many drinking sessions. It's been lifetime friends, hopefully a husband and accelerated learning like I thought was not possible. I learnt and grew and sang and cried and I learnt so much of myself. 

21 clients, award winning work, 3 offices and an exit interview later, yesterday I said goodbye. 

Teary eyed but no tears. I feel like I'll see you again. 

P.S I think I hate the new (old) place. 

Prince Charming

From my many drafts from many moons ago

I wish it were simple. Relationships I mean. Why can't you find the perfect person on the first try and live happily ever after? Why do you have to kiss all the frogs before you meet Prince Charming?

I'm tired of the frogs. I'm weary and I want to give up and sit at home and stop "putting myself out there" so I may bump into him. I want to know that he will find me in some chance meeting while i'm grocery shopping or hailing a three wheeler or walking on the road. I don't want to figure out (yet again) what I should wear and agonize about the state of my skin.