Friday, May 25, 2012

Eat Well. Travel Often.

I used to love watching travel and lifestyle television, flipping through the Conde Nast Traveller, watching Discovery and reading National Geographic. I felt renewed wonder at how vast and beautiful our planet is. So much to see, do, eat and so many types of people to meet! It was one part (a major part) of my day dream world. And i day dream a lot. Leave me alone a minute and I slip into some alternate made up reality (ya I know it sounds like I have a problem! I wonder at it myself!). I get back from work and I first switch on Discovery Travel & Living before I begin with dinner and it usually is only replaced by a really good movie or book. No matter what I'm doing in the house, it runs in the background.

So you can well imagine my surprise when I switched on the telly sometime in December last year and was totally depressed! Infact, I can't stand to watch the channel anymore, unless I can't find anything else to watch. Guess what the problem was? I had realised that while I sit in my office, in front of my computer day after day there are people (like these) who are travelling, seeing the world, eating yum food! And I don't get to do anything. Bitter envy had set in!

So I made a resolution (it helped that the New Year was round the corner) -  I would travel and eat and I would travel often and eat well. I worked hard enough, I drank and ate away my money all the time. I have zero savings, not because I don't try but because of the meager salary i get! So to make things simpler, my resolution is to visit one place a month. They're budget trips, but trips all the same. I sample new cuisines and meet new people. And though their weekend trips, i'm eternally thankful that India is such a large, varied country. I come into office Monday morning bone tired but inwardly happy. It makes life so worth living! I'm so absolutely thrilled that 5 months into the year i've stuck to it! Maybe you only stick to the resolutions you want to stick to after all!

That's not to say I watch travel channels with zest now. I do watch them sometimes, but they still depress me! Maybe someday when I've seen all the places on my Pinterest page ( i'll be at peace and they will become my favourite channels and magazines again! I alreadt have a list of places to go in a 500 km radius of New Delhi Trips for the year are all lined up with the exception of June, July & August! The heat makes it difficult to venture out! Suggestions are welcome!

Till then I travel vicariously through friends and family and a little on my own. And that will have to suffice.

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