Tuesday, June 12, 2012


In the confines of a glass and steel office building, wishing my view could change magically into that of the ocean. A sight for sore eyes, an aching heart and a mind that longs for life changing experiences.

I've just finished a gruelling weekend, struggling to complete three elaborate costings and operations briefs' while trying to complete my poetry syllabus in time for my exam this coming Monday. Needless to say, Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley and the others had to be put on the back seat.

My usual bacon laden, sunlight streaming through burnt orange curtains, Jack Johnson filled languid Sunday turned into the nightnmare I only associate with costing (read numbers) and working on weekends. The sunlight seemed to mock me.

Now I look back to the past and wish for the exam free, work free weekends that I took for granted. Now an hour of TV a week is a luxury. Corporate life may just not be suited for me especially when the pay is so low. I could trade a sun kissed afternoon for work if the money was better. I'd even trade drinks on a weekday for slaving till 1 AM in the office if I was paid overtime.

So when I have no work and catch up on my reading in office and my boss asks why I'm not working. I'd like to tell him: I work in my free time so I'm reading in my work time.

We do need to make the world a fairer place.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I love the last line.. so true!!!
    I will definitely use that line!! keep on writing.
