Sunday, September 22, 2013


This is just about him.

I wrote a couple months back about how an 'arranged' marriage was the only form of relationship I was ever considering. No boyfriends, no dalliances. A husband was all I wanted. 

It was a few weeks into my new job with a splattering of failed relationships and crushes, that were never to amount to anything. I was in an anti-relationship phase.

Today, I sing a different tune.

Webchutney came with its pros and cons. I love my job. It's a 100% more stressful than Ogilvy but it doesn't feel like work. My hours are long and because it's the digital medium it's almost as if I'm working everyday, weekends included. Everything needs to be done quickly because everything changes quickly. What is relevant the last minute may not be the next. I love every minute of it. I've also made friends. Life is good. My only complaint being the disproportionate amount of money I get paid for the amount of work I put in. But then isn't that what everyone complains about?!

Back to Jonathan. 

He is the Business Director here. When I first saw him, my 3rd day of work, he was briefing a whole bunch of us and while doing that he was crushing and rolling his joint. First impressions: Drug addict. Intelligent man. Hot voice. End of story. 

I always knew from the first time we spoke that he had a thing. I was clear that I didn't. He was persuaive, I thought creepy. He had a girlfriend back in Mumbai. A girlfriend of 3 years he loved and intended on marrying. His Facebook page if nothing else was testimony to that. I was done with unavailable men. Clearly this falling into that category. Dead end. I put it out of my head, treating it as a situation in which a person over a long distance relationship was crushing on someone he thought attractive. Natural. Not my problem.

Except, eventually the texting began. A couple a day. Work related. Then personal. Moved to through the day then through the night. Then the phone conversations started. 15 mins. 45 mins. An hour. 3 hours. Sunrise. At some point I knew I should say no. That I shouldn't encourage it but it rolled on till we went for dinner and then dinner and a movie and I knew he was having problems with the girlfriend. I also already knew that if I kept at this any longer I would be the one crying. It panned out. He broke up. We broke in.

He's here. My boyfriend. My roommate. It's been almost a year. I'm building castles in the air. The future seems like it may not be so bleak after all. Every once in awhile I slow down. Catch a breath. Reign it in. Let's not get carried way. The winds can still change. This is yet to be my happily ever after.

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