Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Sunday Afternoon

It's Sunday afternoon. The best kind of Sunday afternoon. The sun saunders through lispy, translucent bright orange and teal curtains. It's bright but muted, room aglow. The AC has a low hum that drowns out the outside world, save the wind chimes that clatter cheerfully. I hear tweets and chirps and the occasional airplane as it crosses overhead but nothing more. 

I. Alone and happy for it. I am silent and I am calm. My kindle lies by me turned to the first chapter of a new book but I havnt got too far. My mind wanders, making stories of its own. Some possibly with in the realm of my life- simple things like a promotion or recognition at work. Some daydreams - a chance meeting with someone famous that changes the course of my life. Most daydreams impossible. Like Prince William or Harry or time travel or 'if I were rich'. 

The TV stays off today. Today is a day of zero concentration or focus. I have nothing I want to do. Nothing I need to do. Nowhere I have to be. Noone I need to be. 

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